Josh Schubert became a professional mini-golfer this summer, without even knowing it.
When the chocolate-haired 20-year-old approached the tournament in Cranston, R.I. with a friend, they saw a mini-golf course swarming with middle-aged men.
The men turned their heads and squinted, while using their gloved hands’ to lean on personalized clubs. Schubert realized they were serious.
“These older men came with real putters and balls, and they dominated,” Schubert said.
The golfers told Schubert after the tournament that he could now call himself a professional mini-golfer. To Schubert and his friend, this was hilarious because mini-golf was not even their favorite sport. Schubert found the tournament online and thought it would be something interesting to do during the summer.
When Schubert is not participating in summer mini-golf tournaments in his hometown of Holtsville, N.Y., he is a Boston University senior working toward a major in political science and a minor in journalism.
In Boston, Schubert tried out for ultimate Frisbee team but it was, “too intense,” Schubert said. He now plays on the intramural basketball team.
Schubert has had several internships, and took part in Boston University’s Washington D.C. program, where he attended press conferences and hearings while reporting for CongressDaily. His name was printed on four articles during the semester.
Schubert hopes to work in politics, possibly as an aide to a politician. Last summer, he petitioned for a local state assembly candidate during an internship with The Advance Group, a political consultant firm in New York City.
“He’s very opportunistic, but not in a dictator kind of way,” said Zach Schubert, Josh’s brother.
Josh’s friend at BU, Saumil Kachhy said, “I think that describes Josh, typical. He doesn’t mess around. He see’s something he wants to do -- he convinces other people to do it.”